It's cumbersome to download movies for my CPU speed and space it's perfect for music here and there and I do love uploading files as long as it's not over my 5 Gigabyte internet down/upload limit. I've been uploading music mixes and DVD rips but my circle of peeps have been unresponsive so far, and I have the feeling they are not into rapidshare, since none of them share links. There are a few, though, that are mac geeks, linux programmers, and java junkies that know the deal and probably run some of the sites I'm on!
I started with RapidFind.(apparently the first rapidshare forum) I was hoping to learn the ropes of uploading and downloading larger files on a mac while be embraced by a cozy international community. I was respectfully, yet sternly, reminded to "code" my links and edit my signature. I had trouble downloading rapid uploader for mac and could not get any results. Finally, I just resorted to finding another community *sniff, sniff* I remember downloading Ironbutterfly from Katz forums and liked the layout so I registered there. By then, I finished uploading a DVD and decided to post it. All went well, with no chastising afterwards! very cool forum, no snobbery. So if you don't know what rapidshare is, get on the beat train! Not saying you should be an addict but at least be in the know. check out
I borrowed a really bad copy of "knowing" from Jonathan just because I've been really wanting to see it. Something about numbers predicting disasters and eventually the end of the world... interesting and creepy but most definitely conflicting. Physicist, recently widowed with a son, son of a preacher. Anyway (spoiler!) at the end of the movie, his son is "saved" by angelic aliens from the firey tribulation about to take place on Earth that was prophesied. Meanwhile, physicist, played by Nicholas Cage, is not a believer in God but suddenly goes to reunite with his pastor father, mother and sister before being obliterated by excess sun flares. It ends with him saying, "this isn't the end," meaning, we're going to heaven after this. What's missing here? What are the requirements for getting into heaven? Obviously, his father believes Jesus is that requirement but he is a skeptic. The crazy woman who heard voices 50 yrs. ago and prophesied the disasters with numbers-not the scriptures-read the bible but did not speak of Jesus, spoke of the end of the world which is not scriptural. I wouldn't mind so much if was at least original and intelligent but I saw right through it and it was unenjoyable. It was all around a unoriginal mess of a movie.
The best movie I've rented so far has been Miracle at St. Anna, so if you haven't seen it, I suggest you do so. It's about a valuable remnant of an Italian church destroyed by the Nazis that traces back to the travels of a black platoon in WWII getting separated in Italy. Multi-faceted, makes you want to see it a few times to catch the details. Why it did not win an Oscar, begins in C-O-N and ends with SPIRACY. That's all I'll say about that.
Stay tuned for the next podcast, me and JHood (Jonathan) will probably just smack talk about life here. Peace.