Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Kavanaugh Craze marks the next phase in cultural marxist lunacy

The Kavanaugh controversy was not just the usual leftist extremism. With it signaled the next level of unhinged reasoning and anti-commonsense. Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford accused Brett Kavanaugh of forcefully groping her at a party 36 years ago when he was 17 year old. All the witnesses denied they knew of the party. There was no corroborating evidence and Ford herself couldn't remember the exact day or place the incident occurred. Her story changed a bit as to approximately when it happened. She claimed the incident gave her claustrophobia and a fear of flying, a claim contradicted by a longtime ex-boyfriend.  He also never heard of the sexual assault. Furthermore, he said Dr. Ford did coach someone in taking a polygraph test--something she denied during her testimony in front of the senate judiciary committee. There simply wasn't a shred of evidence to pin this on Kavanaugh. 

The most compelling piece of evidence I found was the credentials of Dr. Ford. Michelle Malkin explained Dr. Ford's expertise in data analysis, statistical analysis and SPSS--"a software platform using advanced statistical analysis using a vast library of machine learning algorithms, text analysis and open source extensibility." People who do this kind of work are extremely detail oriented. "Their success depends on precision, accuracy, and mastery of data."  This does not sound like the Dr. Ford we saw in front of the committee. She couldn't even recall wether or not she gave all of her therapists' notes to the Washington Post. All of this information makes Ford highly suspicious of using a bogus allegation to derail a conservative judge from getting confirmed ahead of the midterm elections. 

Two more women came with allegations of unwanted sexual assault including Julie Swetnick claiming Kavanaugh was standing by punch bowls, possibly drugging the punch to take advantage of women, and later in a line of boys waiting to gang rape inebriated girls. This outlandish allegation thankfully didn't take hold of even Democrats, but the damage was done as women tell congress a vote for Kavanaugh is a vote against women. I'm not kidding. 

Saturday, Kavanaugh was sworn in with women screaming and clawing at the large bronze doors. Outside the capital there were women crying, telling their 'survivor' stories. 

What took the cake for me was seeing an op-ed from the NYT titled: "White Women, Come Get Your People" by Alexis Grenell.

"After a confirmation process where women all but slit their wrists, letting their stories of sexual trauma run like rivers of blood through the Capitol, the Senate still voted to confirm Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. With the exception of Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, all the women in the Republican conference caved, including Senator Susan Collins of Maine, who held out until the bitter end." 
"These women are gender traitors, to borrow a term from the dystopian TV series “The Handmaid’s Tale.” They’ve made standing by the patriarchy a full-time job. The women who support them show up at the Capitol wearing “Women for Kavanaugh” T-shirts, but also probably tell their daughters to put on less revealing clothes when they go out. 

 Gender traitors? You mean the female senators should vote against Kavanaugh solely because they're female? Isn't that the textbook definition of sexist? And what's wrong with teaching girls to be modest? We say don't objectify women and then encourage women to objectify themselves at slut walks and pride marches. There's nothing prideful about a women baring herself publicly. I know from experience. 

Political Correctness (cultural marxism) has ramped up since my college days at HWS. Thankfully, many are waking up and leaving the Left to join the #WalkAway movement and embrace common sense, classical liberalism. 

Thursday, May 31, 2018

#FreeTommy: Love and support from NYC

I've been watching Tommy Robinson for quite some time. I was red pilled on Islam after my brother became a Muslim several years ago and I started  reading the Quran and Hadith to see what it was about. I learned that Islam was in fact, a violent ideology that demands it's adherents to physically fight non-believers until they convert to Islam or be subjugated by Islam (Surah 9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled [subdued]). I started doing videos about Islam and ran into other counter-jihadists as well, including Tommy Robinson. The mainstream media kept calling Tommy 'far-right'--a euphemism for racist. My people group is made up of Africans, Indigenous people and Spaniards. I've never heard anything racist come out of Tommy Robinson's mouth. And I'm sick of this idea that only white people can be racist.  That in itself is racist. Anyone who discriminates solely on skin color is racist. It doesn't matter if you're White, black or anything in between, when you criticize Islamic doctrine the only thing people can say is 'racist.' I had an old college friend call me racist becaus I speak about Islam, even though we hung out with all sorts of people. It's a Marxist tactic to silence dissenters, revitalized by the likes of Saul Alinsky in Rules For Radicals.   

For almost a decade, I've watched how Islamic terror attacks have grown in Europe, Canada, and the United States. Grooming gangs of mostly Pakistani Muslim men have been targeting white and Sikh girls into sexual slavery in Northern England. If that weren't bad enough, it was found that social service agencies and police officers were ignoring victims and their mothers for years for fear of being called racist!  

Where is the Justice?  Tommy must have been equally outraged because he decided to go to the courthouse where these alleged rapists were being tried and reported on it legally. After live streaming for an hour in front of the courthouse in Leeds, several police officers came and arrested him for breaching the peace (interrupting, inciting, poisoning the trial by affecting the jury to think negatively of the alleged). He had a previous suspended sentence for something similar and he was careful not to step onto court property and address the men as alleged. He was quickly sentenced by the judge without so much as a phone call to his attorney. This is not the first time the police have arrested him on trumped up charges. I cannot sit silent on this. It's weighed on my mind all weekend and there have been peaceful protests in England. People are waking up and I think this was the spark that will ignite the uprising against the English Establishment. 

Watch Rebel.Media report on Tommy here.

If you care about you're ability to think and speak freely, support the campaign at 

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Exodus from the Left

Shortly after my accident 10 years ago, I was challenged on my politics. On examining different arguments on issues like abortion, same-sex marriage, and white privilege, I had to change to a conservative! I felt duped on so many levels. First, I learned I had been deprived of the arguments for the existence of God. I had been fed that evolution was a fact, without ever being offered an opposing view. Second, I've been lied to about the political parties. The idea was conveyed that Republican = rich, white, racist and so the only political party for me was the Democrat. Actually, the first party I enrolled in was the Green party, but they were like the Democrats with an environmental focus. But if you ask any person of color in a major metropolitan area that's pretty much what they'll tell you. Never mind that we never learned the history of the political parties or their respective platforms. It was revolutionary for me to read "History of the United States" by Howard Zinn! It solidified this underlying contempt for this country. But after learning that blacks too owned slaves, whites were also slaves and it was actually the Democrats that were the party of slavery, the KKK and Jim Crow laws, it was like waking up from a long dream!

Since then, I've lost many friends (though being disabled helped that along). I've been called a racist with no evidence. I've been accused of hate speech for criticizing Islam--another politically charged topic! Even Christians shy away from political topics because many blacks and hispanic Christians still hold to the Democrat party. This has been years in the making but I believe it's ramped up in the last 15 years since I went to college.

I went to a liberal arts college where we had a mandatory course called "culture of respect." We were separated into our "identity groups," i.e. people of color, gay, women, etc. Then, the facilitators would deem the classroom as a "safe space" in which the minority groups can vent their resentment to their classmates of the dominant, oppressive White, Christian, Male identities. In turn, Whites in particular were forced to recognize their privilege and subconscious racism. Now throughout my dealings with whites in school, I never felt that they disliked me because of my race. I've had many white friends and never felt they harbored some 'subconscious' racism. I didn't understand this at the time, but this is what has made our country so polarized today on race and what I call the politics of victimology. It is at it's root, Cultural Marxist tactic of demonizing Western Civilization (our Constitutional Republic, Christian ethics, the nuclear family, Capitalism) while condemning the criticism of anyone else. This is why it is fine to call America a racist, oppressive country, but racist to criticize any other country with a different religion influencing it's ethics. This is called critical theory (which I studied in college) and has been slowly infiltrating our academia for nearly a hundred years. (Watch Bill Whittle's video explaining cultural marxism--it will blow your mind!)

Today, college campuses are so virulently against any opposing view that violence breaks out and events get shut down. Conservative professors are extremely rare and students are intimidated by leftist thugs. Antifa, short for 'Anti-fascist,' came out of communist Germany in the 1930's and now comprises of mostly white Socialist/communist/anarchists using violence to intimidate young conservatives. However, I have noticed a growing number of conservatives speaking out on YouTube, gaining popularity amongst college campuses like Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Candace Owens. Last week, after Kanye West simply tweeted out "I like the way Candace Owens thinks," the Left went nuts and called her 'far' or 'alt-right'--synonymous for white supremacist/Nazi. This is an old Marxist tactic of demonizing and silencing conservatives. Thankfully, Kanye has not backed down but instead is rockin' the conservative tip in full force, even rapping about it. No doubt other black youth will now look up Candace Owens and get hip to the Democratic Game. What really got me is when my man quoted Thomas Sowell!

I'm still learning a heck of a lot these days. I decided to take a free course on the Constitution by Hillsdale College. I think it's important to learn and teach the Constitution if this country is to survive. Most people are too busy with work to see the drastic changes going on socially and politically, but I've been watching this in real time from my computer. I also feel this is spiritual in nature and that although God is doing a work, things will become increasingly difficult.

Keep pressing on..