I've been watching Tommy Robinson for quite some time. I was red pilled on Islam after my brother became a Muslim several years ago and I started reading the Quran and Hadith to see what it was about. I learned that Islam was in fact, a violent ideology that demands it's adherents to physically fight non-believers until they convert to Islam or be subjugated by Islam (Surah 9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled [subdued]). I started doing videos about Islam and ran into other counter-jihadists as well, including Tommy Robinson. The mainstream media kept calling Tommy 'far-right'--a euphemism for racist. My people group is made up of Africans, Indigenous people and Spaniards. I've never heard anything racist come out of Tommy Robinson's mouth. And I'm sick of this idea that only white people can be racist. That in itself is racist. Anyone who discriminates solely on skin color is racist. It doesn't matter if you're White, black or anything in between, when you criticize Islamic doctrine the only thing people can say is 'racist.' I had an old college friend call me racist becaus I speak about Islam, even though we hung out with all sorts of people. It's a Marxist tactic to silence dissenters, revitalized by the likes of Saul Alinsky in Rules For Radicals.
For almost a decade, I've watched how Islamic terror attacks have grown in Europe, Canada, and the United States. Grooming gangs of mostly Pakistani Muslim men have been targeting white and Sikh girls into sexual slavery in Northern England. If that weren't bad enough, it was found that social service agencies and police officers were ignoring victims and their mothers for years for fear of being called racist!
Where is the Justice? Tommy must have been equally outraged because he decided to go to the courthouse where these alleged rapists were being tried and reported on it legally. After live streaming for an hour in front of the courthouse in Leeds, several police officers came and arrested him for breaching the peace (interrupting, inciting, poisoning the trial by affecting the jury to think negatively of the alleged). He had a previous suspended sentence for something similar and he was careful not to step onto court property and address the men as alleged. He was quickly sentenced by the judge without so much as a phone call to his attorney. This is not the first time the police have arrested him on trumped up charges. I cannot sit silent on this. It's weighed on my mind all weekend and there have been peaceful protests in England. People are waking up and I think this was the spark that will ignite the uprising against the English Establishment.
Watch Rebel.Media report on Tommy here.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaN3oJB7adw
If you care about you're ability to think and speak freely, support the campaign at www.tommyrobinson.online
For almost a decade, I've watched how Islamic terror attacks have grown in Europe, Canada, and the United States. Grooming gangs of mostly Pakistani Muslim men have been targeting white and Sikh girls into sexual slavery in Northern England. If that weren't bad enough, it was found that social service agencies and police officers were ignoring victims and their mothers for years for fear of being called racist!
Where is the Justice? Tommy must have been equally outraged because he decided to go to the courthouse where these alleged rapists were being tried and reported on it legally. After live streaming for an hour in front of the courthouse in Leeds, several police officers came and arrested him for breaching the peace (interrupting, inciting, poisoning the trial by affecting the jury to think negatively of the alleged). He had a previous suspended sentence for something similar and he was careful not to step onto court property and address the men as alleged. He was quickly sentenced by the judge without so much as a phone call to his attorney. This is not the first time the police have arrested him on trumped up charges. I cannot sit silent on this. It's weighed on my mind all weekend and there have been peaceful protests in England. People are waking up and I think this was the spark that will ignite the uprising against the English Establishment.
Watch Rebel.Media report on Tommy here.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaN3oJB7adw
If you care about you're ability to think and speak freely, support the campaign at www.tommyrobinson.online