Saturday, January 9, 2010

More crazy love

I'm finishing the book Crazy Love and in conjunction with our reading in Acts, I've felt a difference in my daily walk with the Lord. Crazy Love is Chan's personal realization of something--a big something--missing in the American Church and his spirit led response to it. He goes back to remind us of the primacy and magnitude of God using the imagery in Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4. That all of us, whether we believe or not, will come before the throne of God. We will stand naked before our Creator, the same who made the Earth and the Heavens, time, gravity, creativity. When I was 3, I remember going to the museum of Natural History. There's a huge life-size blue whale hanging from the ceiling. When I first saw it, I was terrified! My knees felt weak, heck I think I pissed myself! I still have the picture of my mother pointing up in awe, while I'm crying in sheer fright of the magnitude of that beast! I also get overwhelmed when I'm faced with the sea. I'm reminded of how vulnerable I am. We must be reminded of how powerful God is and that we are accountable to him.

Chan smacks his readers with the reality of who God is but also reminds us of God's love for us and because He loves us so much that He gave His son, Jesus to become mortal to die, take our sins that we can have favor in God's sight is something we should always praise Him for. Our lives should be dedicated to Him! For a closer look at what crazy love is about, check out and

What about all these Natural disasters?

Since the earthquake in Haiti, especially, people will question the love or even the existence of God. Do not let the enemy deceive you! The presence of natural disasters is not 'God's punishment.' We have been suffering sickness and death ever since we disobeyed God in the Garden and the Earth has also been experiencing degradation, leading to more sickness and death. The increased number of disasters are fulfilled prophecy to the end times to Christ's coming as spoken of in the scriptures:

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. Matthew 24:6

What freaks me out is the increased number of movies spouting deceit like 2012 and Legion, things that have nothing to do with the Word of God. The Bible is not an archaic book that has no relevancy to us today. In fact, it was written specifically for us in these times! I'm exhorting all who read this and do not know Christ to honestly pray and seek God. I'd rather see more people into eternity than just ho hum and keep this to myself for PC-sake. The Bible is the truth spoken from God. How do you know men didn't just write it? If God is powerful enough to create the universe, He can preserve His word. Moreover, the Bible is historically reliable, consistent, and Jesus has fulfilled hundreds of prophesies. For more detailed proof, go to These are the technical evidences for unbelivers that make Jesus as Messiah beyond a shadow of a doubt: prophecy, miracles, biblical consistency, archeological discoveries. Spiritually, God reveals himself through his holy spirit and that is unexplainable. Or at least hard to explain for me. I think Solomon shared a great testimony in my interview with him and I give God all the glory to whoever it can reach and save:

I'm just really irate at all the apostasy going on, people not teaching sound doctrine, but most importantly, not serving and loving each other the way Jesus commanded us. It is hard and it requires his supernatural power that we can call on the Holy spirit for! More and more, the world is getting worse and even some Christians are being deceived (i.e. Pat Robertson!!) But God has already warned us of this in the Bible which makes His truth just that much more uncanny, it's slapping us in the face:

"And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." Matthew 24:11
"And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." Matthew 24:12

I already started Chan's other book, Forgotten God centering on our neglect of the HolySpirit. I hope to get more feedback from believers here and have an honest dialogue on the subject.

In other news, training is going great and I hope to get more quads moving here soon too!
Music Review Coming up!

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