I have mixed feelings about nursing care. I went to a "step-down" unit located in 8 Center Guggenheim Pavilion, where the staff seemed to complain about patients if they called too much. That included me, since I needed succtioning and turning. I made a complaint to the adminstrator. My father spoke with my neighbor and confirmed the complaints.
I was very weak after surgery and laying on a pegasus bed made me less mobile. Everrything was uncomfortable after a few days! I was also off from all of my meds, so I went through serious withdrawal. I hallucinated scenarios and at points was convinced that I needed to escape and my family was struggling to "free me." I disconnected my I.V. lines and refused to be scanned until I saw my parents. I had to seriously focus on the Lord then to get over my state of mind and discomfort. Needless to say, this is a very difficult surgery to get through!! By the last day, I couldn't wait to get out of there. I wanted my hair washed and to get in my chair. I tried yesterday, but it was too soon. Now I am practicing sitting up, eating better and stretching out my arms/hands. In two weeks, I'll go back to Dr. Vapnek to take out the stiches and utilize the stoma for the first time!
So far, everything is a success. My new T-tube, however, I'm not fond of. It seems smaller than before, and it is very difficult to get secretions up. So far, I cannot uncap myself, and succtioning is more of a serious matter. Please pray for conntinued healing in this area.
It is easier tto eat. I no longer have that volcanoe feeling in my bowels. This should get even better with time. I'm looking forward to gaining weight and exercising again. I depend heavily on God's grace every day; for comfort, peace, healing, strength. I'm not brave at all. I cling to God's word for hope that he will deliver and he has been faithful.