Jamie Rodemyer took his own life because he felt tortured over bullying. He was an adorable kid who did not get to know God's love for him, regardless of his sexuality. I experienced misguided fundamentalist hatred as a lesbian. I went to the million march on Washington for LGBT rights in 2000 and was met with signs that said "God hates fags" and "AIDS cures fags." it was astonishing. I've never heard that God hates homosexuals, but it reinforced my aversion to Christianity. How could God hate me for being me? If he hates homosexuals then why do gays exist? From a previous post, I explained that since the fall of humanity, we've had a propensity for all types of ills, and sexual immorality in all it's forms tops the list.
How do we know if something is wrong?
We know something is wrong because God is the moral giver who has written morality on our hearts. How do we know that murder for no reason is wrong? I have thought about killing people who, to me, deserve to die. Does that mean I should do it? No. Why not? Because we understand the inherent value of individual life. It is a God given law that is recognized in every nation and peoples.
God's Law Vs. God's Grace
God sets the standard for what is right and just. He gave us his Law to show us his standard. However, God also knows we can't flawlessly keep his law anymore than we can stay within speed limits. We are fallen. fallible. Imperfect. Within his law, he shows us that it is his power, that saves us. We have a choice to trust and follow him or disobey him and face destruction. Three events highlight this truth: God's deliverance of Noah from the flood, God's deliverance of Lot and his family from Sodom, and God's deliverance of male firstborns out of Egypt. In all these instances, Deliverance came from a) God's gift of salvation and b) a measure of active faith. God told Noah that if he built an ark, him and his family would be saved from a flood. Noah had to believe God despite the absurd notion of a flood, and actually build an ark. Angels came to save Lot and his family from the destruction of Sodom. They were told to flee and don't turn back. God told Moses that he would save the firstborn males of those who put the blood of an unblemished male lamb on their door posts. They had to believe God and actively carry it out. God deemed sleeping with certain relatives, animals and same sex as an abomination (leviticus 18:22-23).
what does Jesus say about sexual immorality?
Jesus did not speak of homosexuality specifically, but he did speak on adultery which is equally abominable. In John Chapter 8, the religious Jews present Jesus with an adulteress to try and entrap him with the law of Moses. They say, "Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?" Jesus answered "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." When all her accusers left out of guilt from their own sin, Jesus turned to the woman to ask who was there to condemn her. "No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, "neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." John 8:5-11. He doesn't condone her actions, but he didn't damn her to hell. I don't think he would do that with someone gay either.
Jesus ministered to those that were considered the worst of people: lepers, lunatics, tax collectors, women and Gentiles. The first person he revealed himself to besides his disciples was a Gentile woman (John 4). He walked about 25 miles to meet her at a well and offer her the never ending supply of living water that is eternal life. She's there now, singing his praises.
I don't know where Jamey is now. God knows every one's heart and whether they are aware enough to be spiritually accountable. But he is living in eternity where he cannot decide to turn to God.
The controversy of Hephzibah house is especially disturbing because they taint the word of God. They twist the Bible to justify their abusive behavior.
Spare the rod, spoil the child
This phrase is not in the Bible, nor is it biblical teaching on how to discipline children. Here's a great article explaining where the phrase comes from. I am angry that people have used this as justification and in the name of "Godly discipline." It is plain wrong and I hope these people are punished to the fullest extent of the law. If they do not repent, they will also face God and endure eternal damnation. Jesus said whoever hurts a child for coming to him should drown in the sea! (Matthew 18:6. Mark 9:42, Luke 17:2)
What does God say about disciplining children?
God explains that it is good to discipline children to correct them, but not to beat them. "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4. And "Fathers, provoke not your children [to anger], lest they be discouraged." (Collosians 3:21). See the above link to look at allegorical verses.
bullying, harrassing, beating, or torturing children is a blatant sign of immorality and spiritual wickedness. No one is immune from these ills as we are all fallen people. I pray more people come to the saving faith of Jesus Christ who makes us a new creation (Galatians 6:15; Ephesians 4:21-25).
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