Tuesday, August 15, 2023

A response to a recent attack on my medical views

 Just because the majority believe in something, doesn’t make it right or true. At one point, most people condoned slavery. There are many things I grew up believing were true until I looked further into it. The idea that the government and medical institutions are always prescribing for my best interest is one of them. I’m extremely wary of health professionals and governmental agencies because of my experience being disabled the last 15 years. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s all bad. I do take pharmaceuticals but I also take many vitamins and supplements to achieve optimal health. I’ve seen over the decades how pharmaceutical companies and governmental agencies have deceived the public or withheld vital information for us to truly make informed decisions about our health care. One of the first issues that shocked me was the fact that the war on cancer has not only failed, but our healthcare institutions have purposely kept viable cancer treatments out of reach so that the cut, poison, burn approach is the only game in town. Ralph Moss was a young science writer at Sloan-Kettering in the 1970’s. He found out that they purposely squashed the study of Laetrilie, a natural substance found in apricot seeds, because it couldn’t be patented. There’s a documentary about him called “Second Opinion.” G. Edward Griffin also highlights this in his book, “World without cancer.” As for my views on the C shot, read the Great Barrington Declaration where hundreds of thousands of doctors and scientists publicly signed that they are not in favor of the C shot or other policies. More would signed if their jobs weren’t on the line. If you are going to just dismiss all of these people as “conspiracy theories” because so and so said, then no amount of evidence will sway you and I won’t waste my time debating the issue with you. If I could give you just one book to read, it would be “Dissolving illusions” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a hematologist, who did a deep dive on the history of vaccines. Also read “Covid-19 Vaccines and beyond: what the medical industrial complex isn’t telling us.” By Sally Saxon.  Have you noticed how many young athletes have collapsed on the field and dropped dead? Look up Edward Dowd, a financial analyst who highlighted the fact that all cause mortality rate increased by 40% per The Society of Actuaries after the C shot was introduced in his book “Cause Unknown: the epidemic of sudden deaths in 2021-2022” Look up Dr. Sheri Tenpenny, Dr. Thomas Cowan, Brian Hooker, Dr. Dolores Cahill, Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, or Dr. Simone Gold. Really take the time to read or listen to their stories. Why would they all risk their licenses to go against the grain? Why are they so heavily censored? Why not debate the issue openly? Isn’t that what science is all about? The pharmaceutical companies have a lot of money to pay people off, particularly, our legislators. Listen to the testimony of Deborah Conrad, a Physician Assistant who noticed many adverse reactions in her hospital and attempted to document them in VAERS (the vaccine adverse event reporting system). Even though by law medical professionals are mandated to report adverse reactions, her hospital fired her for shedding a light the plethora of patients being harmed from this particular vaccine. Read Dr. Aseem Malhortra,’s study in the Journal of Insulin Resistance scrutinizing the narrative surrounding the pandemic. Take an honest look at the Plandemic documentary and the Great Awakening. All these the media will smear but you should hear them out. They are not crazy or conspiracy theorists! That’s all I have to say on the subject. You want to have endless boosters? Go fill your boots! I just don’t want to be forced or censored for my opinion.