Monday, July 20, 2009

More steps of faith

So far, exercising has been good. I invested in a protein shake recommended from the care cure site but haven't noticed any changes as of yet. it has only been 2 weeks. Make sure to check out the latest podcast episode located on the right. Interesting music mix. For those who don't understand why I speak in this strange robotic voice, I have tracheal stenosis and so air cannot pass through the vocal cords. I use a device that vibrates the cords for me, thus producing sound. I will be going to Mass general in Boston on Aug 5 for a different kind of tracheostomy tube and then will go back for a resection surgery. I am very scared but I must move forward and trust that God works all things for good no matter how much we dislike it.

Despite the hardships I have been blessed in many ways. I've been able to see my own short sightedness on some issues, my own selfishness. Through my own suffering I am able to truly have compassion. Most of all, I can honestly say I know who my God is and that is Jesus Christ who is a true historical person who fulfilled prophesies, performed miracles and made claim to his divinity in typical Jewish fashion. Too often, people are putting doubt on the divinity of Christ because of comparisons of mythological gods which have no real bearings and have no real evidence to back up assertions for their claims. Everyone at some point needs to face the fact that there is a God. If so, why aren't we seeking him? Then there's the question of why Jesus? Don't all religions basically teach the same thing? No they don't! They are very different particularly in the nature of God and what our goals as human beings are. No other religion has the the historical, archeological, extra biblical and theological evidence to support it. It was one thing to feel it in my being, but how was I to answer questions about my faith? How was I to look to God for answers, to trust his word? All of a sudden, all the ugly past Christian mishaps came back and although what I experienced on that roof was real, how did it fit with the Book called the Bible? I mentioned in a post some time ago that I began reading about David, abraham and Moses again and although they were the "heroes" of the Bible, that they too, made mistakes, had doubts, were afraid, were angry with God, didn't always do what he asked. But through it all, God was faithful. He kept his word. Another thing I noticed was that throughout the Bible, God has shown to operate through his word. From the very beginning, he created with a word, complex worlds with complex organisms and biosystems. He he healed just by saying you are healed, spoke easily of what was really in people's hearts and no malice passed from his lips. To have this consistently in books by many authors over a period of 1500 years is a staggering amount of proof that God's word accomplishes what he sets it out to do, regardless of how much we mess up or try to cast doubt on it.

Now don't get me wrong, I didn't come to this conclusion easily. After all, we want to do what we want to do, right? I have a friend who's a priest and everyone's "cool" that he's a priest as long as he's not trying to tell them that Jesus is their Lord and Savior. But if you had important information about life after death, wouldn't you want to let your close friends in on it?

This is the reality of the situation: The time we are in now is the time predicted in scripture that God will reveal himself soon and will judge the nations. We are all sinners. But Christ who is sinless died for us so that we can be righteous before God when judgement comes. Take the time to read the Gospel. Here is a great DVD called All roads do not lead to God by Christian Apologist, Charlie Campell:

If you're not into rapidshare, I suggest just going to the website, and browsing their store or helpful articles. If you find the video helpful, I would urge you to pass it along. Here are other resources:

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