Monday, October 12, 2009

Autumn changes...

I got a hair cut finally!! I need to take a picture and post it. I used Hopey's pic you see on the blog page. Hot bitch! Plus, it's easier to have it short, I like it short. I even waxed my eye brows--gasp! the women convinced me. Wasn't bad at all. It looks good! I'm not comfortable in hair salons around here. Everyone speaks spanish and you don't know what's going on. I understand some but they get on that rapid fire tip... I just wanted to make sure she knew what I wanted and was going to follow through. It worked out well.

I'm also out of bed more which is good. I put my foot down and demanded to get treated for the UTI. The nerve pain has subsided somewhat and I can sit up in bed.

I discovered that my asthmatic symptoms are actually indication of more stenosis. When I push the tube slightly down, my breathing clears AND my voice gets louder!!! My initial instinct was correct and once again, I'm having visions of ringing Dr. Weiser's neck. I called to schedule a broncoscopy and his assistant scheduled an office visit so we can "discuss options." I don't want to lolly gag at another office visit, have my insurance pay a couple hundred dollars for him to do nothing. So I'm making an appt. with maass gen again for a bronc. if Dr. Weasel can't get his shite together.