Saturday, November 21, 2009

The unfolding

I've been hard at work in the gym! The days are flying by and it is indeed true that days are getting shorter. There's just not enough time in the day/evening to do, write, read, see, say all I want to and I'm not even working! Christmas is around the corner and I'm already planning gifts but I haven't thought about thanks-schmanks! I like some turkey and whole cran-sauce. Other than that, I like peace and quiet. No drama. Pumpkin pie is a real treat! All that they have here at the facility. When I think of thanksgiving- giving thanks, I don't want to over do it this year like the past. I want to eat the right portion and not be in a coma.

I did an interview for Wheels of Progress (WOP) which culminated into more than we thought it would be! I started talking about how the nursing home system institutionalizes people and how it makes them lose motivation to keep them there and out of the community. I even gave specific examples of people who have the function to thrive in the community but lack the resources or the motivation to get out. Then, at the support meeting, another nail in the coffin! A T12 paraplegic who uses a POWERCHAIR speaks about how he wants to get out of Beth Abe, but doesn't know if he wants to work again. He's been here several yrs.

WOP is going to be a different organization. It's for people to progress to the community, work, give of themselves, not be in a nursing facility for an extended amount of time. After being here, I have different thoughts for what I want for my parents later...But as for younger people who are disabled but capable, we can have the option of living in and contributing to the community, working again, going back to school, being an athlete. You just need the drive. I see WOP as the resources and services to point you in the right direction: Residency, PT/OT, transition guidance into the community in a nutshell. As I speak with founder, George Gallego, I will fill in any gaps but I hope this idea will spread like wildfire! The nursing home system is sucking up money it doesn't have through insurance and it's so much cheaper for us to stay in our own place while getting the help we need. I'm excited to take part in this new project, see it unfold and take flight!

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