Thursday, January 21, 2010

The beat train

I'm back on the beat train of training again and it feels good. I met my new trainer, Leslie at Asphalt Green and we began with simple body mechanics, zeroing in what I can do, ways I can reach out my arms by counter balancing and right away I saw results. She made me aware of when my posture was off, when I used my head to compensate, so I could correct myself. It felt good. She is intense, energetic, knowledgeable, but also kind and down to earth. Afterwards, she gave me a couple of nutrigrain bars and made sure I made the accessaride ok.

I got prescriptions from my doctor for the training and FES at Mt. Sinai. I do have muscles firing in the abdomen that I want to stimulate, especially on the left side. I do not want this scoliosis to get worse and permanent. Right now, it's correctable with therapy.

I had an idea to propose to the chapter that beth abe should have quad friendly equipment where they can work out themselves without help setting up. The Vitaglide and the Uppertone provide that. I'm going to explore that a little more and see which one profits the most people. More quads here are motivated to go into manual chairs but they need to go to the next level when it comes to training: shoulders, back, triceps, trunk control. I've been looking at these pieces of equipment and they provide that. Best of all, they provide elements where quads can securely put their hands in. I'm so tired of going to the OT room and seeing paraplegics dominate the weights while quads sit and watch because they need to be strapped into the friggin pulleys and it's not even effective.

Anybody with me say "I'm on that beat train!"

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